國小美語班 > TPS美語教學方針

 We are dedicated to providing each child with the education and environment he or she needs in order to thrive emotionally, intellectually and physcially.  Our unique curriculum, professional teachers and caregivers as well as nurturing environment ensures that all of our students reach their full potential.  In addition to our core materials, we continually develop and enhance our teaching methods and offer the latest technology enhanced programs in order for the students to learn from multiple sources. All children at TPS experience a balance of group and individual instruction and support, exploring, and team problem solving.


TPS國小學生提供趣味及實用的英文課程。根據學生的程度和需求量身訂做,從基礎的發音.認識單字和說聽基本能力的建立到著重於閱讀,寫作,語言,時事討論....到歷史    ..的認識,英文程度年年累積和精進。使學生擁有扎實的英文能力.

我們認為小學時期是英文學習的最佳時機,英文是有趣又實用的科目,學生在TPS每年都能增加相當的英文實力。大家要了解學生未來在國中.高中時學生能花在英文的時間是很有限的,因為有更多困難的新科目如物理化學.還有進階的數學和國文...等著他們,所以小學的英文學習值得花時間,也非常的重要. TPS的學生在國中.高中時英文總是他們喜愛的強項科目,因為他們在小學就打下扎實的基礎. 目前許多在海外工作的TPS畢業生都表現優異,英文也是他們每日都必須使用的工具.歡迎大家在其他頁面分享我們畢業生的親身經歷和感想.


Our thematic-based curriculum is tailored to the level, potential and needs of our students.  It focuses on reading, writing, language, math, science, history, art and music. Our holistic approach and professional staff encourage the development of emotional, linguistic, and social skills.